Vision Therapy

Vision Therapy is a way of training how the visual system, brain and body work together. It leads to improved concentration, learning, confidence, balance and enhances sporting ability.

Vision Therapy can assist, overcome or minimise some learning difficulties by reducing visual inefficiencies, and give a child the opportunity to have the necessary meaningful experience to develop new visual skills. 

A series of exercises introduces your child to how to use their visual system efficiently as part of an active process.  It involves home therapy as well as regular attendance at our practice. Each program is tailored to the individual needs of the patient. The benefits include improved confidence in reading, sport and other activities. It can be a life-changing experience for many children.


An excellent podcast on why every child with autism needs a vision exam. Brigitte Shipman (US based) speaks with Patricia Lemer who is a US based counsellor, author of Outsmarting Autism and many articles and podcasts on Vision Issues in Autism and ADHD.


Vision & Learning


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