A World of Experience.

Individualised Optometry and Vision Care for families



The Eyesite optometric practice is led by passionate professionals who are dedicated to helping people of all ages reach their visual potential. Here, at The Eyesite, the experienced team specialise in assessing your vision and visual development.


Your Vision.


Behavioural Optometry.

Behavioural optometry is a holistic approach to the treatment of vision, based on the understanding that vision is an active process that develops throughout life and in harmony with all other body systems.

Vision & Learning.

Vision is our most dominant sense and your child’s eyes need to work in synch in order to realise their full potential. Did you know that about 80 per cent of information processed for learning is visual?


Vision Therapy is a way of training how the visual system, brain and body work together. It leads to improved concentration, learning, confidence, balance and enhances sporting ability.

Are You
Over 40?

As we mature our visual function changes. Our near focussing becomes more difficult and we are more at risk of age-related eye disease.

Our Services.


Eye Tests for Children


Contact Lens Fitting


Adult Eye Examinations


Frame Fitting


Vision Therapy


The Perfect Sunglasses


“I am very lucky to be able to come to work every day, in such a wonderful part of the world, meet lots of different people and in some way make a positive contribution to their vision potential”

Melissa Allen - Optometrist


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